Proiect PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2309: Building resilience within comparative religions during the civil war. The intellectual heritage of André Scrima in Lebanon.
Director de proiect: Dr. Daniela Dumbravă
Membru în echipa de cercetare: Dr. Bogdan Tătaru-Cazaban
The theme of resilience, understood through hermeneutics relating to the field of comparative religions, is a relevant topical issue for the world’s profiling associations. It is a matter of conceptually broadening the theme of resilience, from the field of individual and group psychology, to religious ones, precisely during the period of the civil war in Lebanon. The temptation is to consider religions exclusively as factors of conflict rather than cohesion. The exemplary activity of André Scrima in the Middle East brings with it the experience of religious mediator, practitioner, theoretician, and policy maker in education, in the field of comparative study of Islam and Christianity. Alongside his three colleagues from St. Joseph’s University, Augustin Dupré la Tour s. j., Hisham Nashabeh și Yūsuf Ībish, and having the massacres of Christian militias and those of the Palestinian-Arab and Druze coalition as a backstage, he succeeds not only in making creative hermeneutics of the religious phenomenon within the consciousness of religious people, but through the word, he finds himself in such a disposition for the other, taking it to the limit of what could ever be said. Scrima’s word is an instrument of communication and the foundation for building the cohesion of being, both within oneself and in one’s relationship with others. In fact, our research raises a crucial and conceptual question: religion as an instrument of resilience or resilience as the foundation of religion?
Session: Building resilience by peacemakers professing Muslim and Christian religion in the times of civil war in Lebanon (1975-1990), 18th Annual EASR Conference 2021 – Pisa (Italy), 30 August – 3 September